The sands give. The sands take.


The Wastelands : North Yard: The sands give. The sands take

:FNY:  Old Rusty Sun Lounger/Bed Set - multi @ in the store and marketplace

Lounger open, Lounger old, Lounger broken, Lounger closed, Lounger Stack, Lounger Stack, Rest Towel, Towel, Lounger Red - Litter, Lounger Blue - Litter, Lounger Yellow - Old Umbrella, Lounger Multi
 and Old Rubberduck 
Every lounger model includes 3 different high quality pg animations. 1 Male, 1 Female, 1 Couple. Except the broken version which includes 3 different sits. The Stacks are including 2 different animations each. So we have 13 animations overall in this set. Every Model is usable by up to two users at the same time. So you can do a group chillout with up to 12 users with this set.


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